Dreadnaught Videos

Conversations with Coach Castle – Flanagan

In this edition of Conversations with Coach Castle, you'll hear from Dreadnaught head coach Bill Castle
and defensive line coach Dan Talbot. Coach Castle shares thoughts on the 2012 team, the victory against Tenoroc, and this Friday's battle against the Flanagan Falcons. Coach Talbot talks about the defensive front for this year and how their goal is to control the game.

additional videos

Dreadnaught Players Dance to the Slide while Officials Work

Dreadnaught Players Dance to the Slide while Officials Work

While the officials were sorting out a flag on the opposing team, the Dreadnaught players couldn’t help but dance...

A Special Message from former Dreadnaught Football player Forrest Cunningham

A Special Message from former Dreadnaught Football player Forrest Cunningham

For the kickoff Booster Club meeting of 2014, we were privileged to welcome former Dreadnaught player Forrest...

Former Dreadnaught Coach John Flath Gives a Great Talk at the Booster Club

Former Dreadnaught Coach John Flath Gives a Great Talk at the Booster Club

Former Dreadnaught coach and current Southeastern University offensive line coach John Flath gives a great talk at the...

The Best of the Lakeland Football Webcast – Eddie Goines “To Be a Dreadnaught”

The Best of the Lakeland Football Webcast – Eddie Goines “To Be a Dreadnaught”

Eddie Goines is an accomplished actor living in Los Angeles. Eddie created this moving speech about what it means to be...

Conversations with Coach Castle – Kathleen

Conversations with Coach Castle – Kathleen

In this edition of Conversations with Coach Castle, Jeff Goddard sits down with the Dreadnaught head coach and talks...

The Best of the Lakeland Football Webcast – Interview with Andy Bean

The Best of the Lakeland Football Webcast – Interview with Andy Bean

Lakeland Football Webcast Sideline Reporter Savanna Collins interviews Lakeland alumni and golf great Andy Bean during...

Best of the Lakeland Football Webcast – Helmet Cart Struggles

Best of the Lakeland Football Webcast – Helmet Cart Struggles

Lakeland’s iconic Helmet Cart struggles to make it on the field as the Dreadnaughts run through the tunnel...

Best of the Lakeland Football Webcast – Interview with Mike Cobb

Best of the Lakeland Football Webcast – Interview with Mike Cobb

Lakeland Football Webcast Announcer Jeff Goddard interviews The Ledger’s Mike Cobb during the Bartow game. They...

Conversations with Coach Castle – Ridge Community

Conversations with Coach Castle – Ridge Community

In this edition of Conversations with Coach Castle, Jeff Goddard sits down with the Dreadnaught head coach and talks...