Dreadnaught Wave

The Dreadnaught Wave was founded in 2018 in partnership with the Lakeland Regional Health Carol Barnett Women and Children’s Pavilion. At the end of the first quarter, the players and coaches proceed to the north end of the field and all fans stand and light their cell phones. We all give a big Dreadnaught Wave to the children and teenagers healing on the 6th floor of the Lakeland Regional Health Pediatric Unit. The pediatric patients, families, nurses and doctors are waving back at us! On home game days, several Dreadnaught players visit the Lakeland Regional Health Pediatric Unit during the Pediatric Tailgate Party. Players visit with the pediatric patients in the Activity Room and in the patient rooms, playing games and taking photos. They bring “I did The Dreadnaught Wave at LRH” t-shirts to the patients as well as orange pompoms, megaphones, eye black, hair bows, mini footballs and foam fingers. During the tailgate party, the pediatric patients make orange pocket squares with their handprints. The patients give these pocket squares to our players to carry inside their uniforms during the game. Watch carefully and you will see the players waving these in the air during The Dreadnaught Wave. The Dreadnaught players are always inspired to play their best game for the patients they have just visited. Many players have their personal best game after visiting the LRH Pediatric Unit.


Special thanks to the University of Iowa Hawkeyes for starting such an inspirational tradition.